The Cake Whisperer

52 recipes to bake with love

The Cake Whisperer

Great British Bake Offs, Val Stones, the cake whisperer
Great British Bake Offs, Val Stones, the cake whisperer

The Cake Whisperer


From listening to her sponges to knowing the perfect way to feed a crowd, Val’s experience and warmth in the kitchen comes through in The Cake Whisperer, her first cook book.

In this collection of 52 tried and tested recipes, Val Stones, star of the Great British Bake Off in 2016, shares the best way to bake cakes, biscuits, pies and bread. She teaches all her skills including how to listen to what your bakes are telling you.

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From listening to her sponges to knowing the perfect way to feed a crowd, Val’s experience and warmth in the kitchen comes through in The Cake Whisperer, her first cook book.

In this collection of 52 tried and tested recipes, Val Stones, star of the Great British Bake Off in 2016, shares the best way to bake cakes, biscuits, pies and bread. She teaches all her skills including how to listen to what your bakes are telling you.

From listening to her sponges to knowing the perfect way to feed a crowd, Val’s experience and warmth in the kitchen comes through in The Cake Whisperer, her first cook book.

In this collection of 52 tried and tested recipes, Val Stones, star of the Great British Bake Off in 2016, shares the best way to bake cakes, biscuits, pies and bread and even teaches you how to listen to your bakes - just like her.